Pro Impact’s Fast Track Service

The goal of this Fast Track referring process is to establish a medical Game Plan to avoid unnecessary time delays and frustration.

Here is a detailed overview for what the $75.00 fee covers:

  • Immediate musculoskeletal evaluation by Registered Physical Therapist / Certified Athletic Trainer
  • Establishing immediate medical Game Plan
  • Application of assistive devices if needed (crutches, walker, walking boot, knee immobilizer)
  • Immediate Fast Tracking to specialist or sub-specialist
  • Expediting imaging process (x-rays, MRI, bone scan, etc.) with physician orders / insurance approval
  • Fast Tracking referral to independently owned imaging centers
  • Timely results from imaging center electronically downloaded to Pro Impact database
  • Immediate and enhanced communication between all parties (patient, coaches, parents, specialist, imaging center)

Please Note: You will be redirected to PayPal to complete the process of the fast track form. After submitting your form, please send a picture of the front AND back of your insurance card to:

Fast Track Form
Fast Track Service Fee - $75.00 *

Please Note: You will be redirected to PayPal to complete the process of the fast track form. After submitting your form, please send a picture of the front AND back of your insurance card to:
* If there are errors in your submission, there will be a (red) error message telling you what needs correcting.